Mark Your Calendar: Match Day 2018

On March 16, 2018, senior medial students and residency training program directors across the United States and Canada will find out this year�s Match Day results.

Locally, the University of South Alabama�s Match Day will be held at 10:30 a.m. CST on March 16, 2018, in the Upper Concourse Grand Ballroom at the Mobile Convention Center at 1 South Water Street in Mobile, Ala. The envelopes containing Match results will be handed out to the students shortly before 11 a.m. followed by the students� individual announcement of the location of their residency.

The National Residency Matching Program (NRMP), or Match Day, is the annual event in which senior medical students across North America simultaneously learn where they will be doing their residency training.

The Match process works like this: after interviewing with different residency programs - both near and far - students provide a ranking of the programs in order of preference. The training programs, in turn, rank the students who interviewed. Students are then matched based on a mutual ranking with a specific residency program.

The NRMP matches applicants� preferences for residency positions with program directors� preferences for applicants. Each year, thousands of medical school seniors compete for approximately 24,000 residency positions across the United States.

Updates from the event will be posted on the USA College of Medicine's Facebook, Instagram and Twitter accounts. Be sure to check them after the event for our full wrap-up coverage, including details about all of the matches and full photo galleries from the day.

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