Joint TICA�TRF�Sida�ISP Scholarship for Doctoral Studies in Thailand and Sweden, 2018

Joint TICA�TRF�Sida�ISP Scholarship for Doctoral Studies in Thailand and Sweden, 2018

The joint TICA�TRF�Sida�ISP scholarship for doctoral studies are now available, co-sponsored by the Thailand International Cooperation Agency (TICA), the Thailand Research Fund (TRF) (under the Royal Golden Jubilee Ph.D. Program), and the Swedish International Development Cooperation Agency (Sida) (managed by the International Science Programme (ISP), Uppsala University).
This joint Doctoral Fellowship Programme is a joint collaboration between Sweden and Thailand aiming at supporting interested students from Bangladesh, Nepal, and CLMV countries (up to three scholarships per year) to pursue their doctoral studies in Thailand and Sweden, with the opportunity to undertake research with Thai and Swedish advisors of academic excellence in the scientific fields of Chemistry, Mathematics, Physics, and Biology.
Through the cooperation of four national organizations i.e. the National Research Council of Thailand (NRCT), Health Systems Research Institute (HSRI), National Science and Technology Development Agency (NSTDA), and The Thailand Research Fund (TRF), the RGJ-PhD programme was initiated in 1996 to commemorate the Fiftieth Anniversary of His Majesty the King�s accession to the throne with the mission of producing highly qualified PhD researcher. Since its inception, the programme has awarded approximately 300 PhD�s scholarships each year and it has become the country�s principal and best-known researchers� training scheme.

Scholarship Description: 

  • Application Deadline: April 25, 2018
  • Course Level: Fellowships are available to pursue Doctoral degree programme.
  • Study Subject: Fellowships are awarded in the scientific fields of Chemistry, Mathematics, Physics, and Biology.
  • Scholarship Award: The following allowances and expenses will be borne by the Royal Thai Government and the Swedish Government:
  • An economy class air ticket from an appropriate international airport of the student�s home country to Thailand will be sent to each participant by a representative of the Thai Airways International, or through the National Airline Office in the participant�s country. An air ticket to the home country will be issued to each participant just one week before the completion of his/her PhD study as well as the fellowship contract. Participants should not buy air tickets themselves and should be advised that if they do so, the cost cannot be reimbursed.
  • For research study in Sweden for 1 year, the participant�s major thesis advisor has to submit a travel and research plan, in consultation with the Swedish co-advisor, to the ISP and the RGJ-Ph.D. Programme at least three months before the end of the Swedish fiscal year (31 December) for approval prior to their study leave beginning January of the following year. The ISP will arrange for an economy return air ticket from Sweden.
  • While studying in Thailand, each participant will receive a monthly allowance of 7,000 baht to cover meals, local transportation, and other personal expenses. Accommodation and other expenses, such as health insurance, educational and research expenses, educational materials, field trips, and thesis preparation, will be provided for as per the regulations of the Royal Thai Government. It is suggested that each participant bring some pocket money to cover the initial expenses before the allowance is paid.
  • While studying in Sweden, each participant will receive a health insurance, exemption of fee for a residence permit, and a monthly subsistence allowance covering personal expenses and accommodation. 4.5 Participants should be in good health and must not have any health condition, which may require treatment in Thailand and Sweden during the study.
  • Nationality: Applicants must be a citizen from one of 6 eligible countries, namely the Kingdom of Cambodia; the Lao People�s Democratic Republic, the Union of Myanmar, the Socialist Republic of Vietnam (CLMV); the People�s Republic of Bangladesh, or the Federal Democratic Republic of Nepal.
  • Number of Scholarships: Up to three scholarships per year are available.
  • Scholarship can be taken in Thailand and Sweden

Eligibility for the Scholarship: 

Eligible Countries: A joint Doctoral Fellowship Programme for students from Bangladesh, Nepal, and CLMV countries (Cambodia, Lao PDR, Myanmar, and Vietnam).
Entrance Requirements: An applicant must:
  • Be a citizen from one of 6 eligible countries, namely the Kingdom of Cambodia, the Lao People�s Democratic Republic, the Union of Myanmar, the Socialist Republic of Vietnam (CLMV); the People�s Republic of Bangladesh, or the Federal Democratic Republic of Nepal.
  • Be under 40 years of age;
  • Fulfill the qualifications required by TRF, as described under 1.1 and 1.2;
  • Be fluent in written and verbal English as courses are conducted in English;
  • Be in good health, both physically and mentally, as they are required to stay throughout the course;
  • Meet the required qualifications specified for the programme;
  • Be prepared for at least three years for a study leave as required for a successful candidate.
English Language Requirements: Applicants must be fluent in written and verbal English as courses are conducted in English

Application Procedure: 

How to Apply: Any interested applicant should submit three (3) copies of completed application form together with a proposed research plan and relevant documents listed in the attached checklist to the Royal Thai Embassy or Royal Thai Consulate in their respective countries.
The detailed guidelines for application are as follows;
  1. For the government officer: must get approval from their organizations prior to submitting their application through the designated focal point agency for development cooperation in their respective countries;
  2. For the non-government officer: must get approval from their organizations prior to submitting their application directly to the Royal Thai Embassy or Royal Thai Consulate in their respective countries
  • For the students who are currently studying in Thai Universities: must get permission from their organizations to continue study for the doctoral degree prior to submitting their applications directly to the Royal Thai Embassy or Royal Thai Consulate in their respective countries.

Application Form

Scholarship Link

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