Forest Edge Doctoral Scholarships at University of Birmingham in UK, 2018

Forest Edge Doctoral Scholarships at University of Birmingham in UK, 2018

The Forest Edge Doctoral Scholarship is available for new UK and EU students to study at the University of Birmingham in the UK. Each Scholarship covers maintenance costs, tuition fees, and research and training expenses for the doctoral student over three years.
The University of Birmingham is a public research university located in Edgbaston, Birmingham, United Kingdom.
Applicants from outside the home country will often need to meet specific English language/other language requirements in order to be able to study there.

Scholarship Description: 

  • Application Deadline: March 16, 2018
  • Course Level: Scholarships are available to pursue Doctoral degree programme.
  • Study Subject: The Forest Edge will offer a comprehensive training programme to develop researchers and help to prepare you for post-PhD life in the industry, academia, and other sectors.
Projects, setting out from strongly scientific, social science, or cultural perspectives, align with one of the following themes:
  1. Values and meanings� How (historically, currently, and in the future) do the ways we value forests influence their form, function, and, indeed, their existence?
  2. Change drivers and resilience� Which �tipping points� and �great leaps forward� emerge from the adaptation of forests to changing environments? Can we design interventions to enhance forest resilience?
  3. Communication cascades� How does communication at molecular, ecological, and social scales determine the functioning of forests? To what extent can we safely alter communication within and across scales to promote beneficial outcomes?
Cutting across these themes are two further, cross-linking, perspectives:
  1. Scales of space and time� How far must forests extend, and how long must they persist, perform specific cultural, socio-economic, or ecological functions?  How can human and forest time and space scales be reconciled
  2. Complexity: How patterns emerge � Where and when do critical sites and situations appear in forests? How can models that embrace complexity enhance our understanding of ecosystem processes?
  • Scholarship Award: The award comprises:
  • Full payment of tuition fees at Research Councils UK fee level for the year of entry (�4,270 in 2018/19), to be paid by the University;
  • An annual maintenance grant at current UK Research Councils rates (the national minimum doctoral stipend for 2018/19 is �14,764), to be paid in monthly instalments to the Leverhulme Trust Doctoral Scholar by the University.
  • All studentships will come with a minimum of �3,000 Research Training Support Grant. This can be increased, if there are justified project costs, up to a maximum of �12,000. Supervisors should indicate from where any further costs necessary for the project will be sourced.
  • Nationality: UK or EU students are eligible to apply.
  • Number of Scholarships: Up to 20 scholarships are available. A minimum of five fully funded PhD scholarships will be awarded in round one (October 2018 entry).
  • Scholarship can be taken in the UK

Eligibility for the Scholarship: 

Eligible Countries: Funding is available for UK or EU students only.
Entrance Requirements: To be eligible for this scholarship you must meet the following requirements:
  • The Forest Edge will offer a comprehensive training programme to develop researchers and help to prepare you for post-PhD life in the industry, academia, and other sectors.
  • Funding is available for UK or EU students only.
  • The tenure of the award can be for up to 3.5 years (42 months).
English Language Requirements: Applicants from outside the home country will often need to meet specific English language/other language requirements in order to be able to study there.

Application Procedure: 

How to Apply:
  1. Apply online through the University of Birmingham Postgraduate application system.
  2. Within the application, please detail the supervisor and project title you are interested in under the Research Information section of the application form.
  3. You can use our advice and guidance document as you complete your application.

Scholarship Link

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