Accenture-MESIO Scholarships at Polytechnic University of Catalonia in Spain, 2018

Accenture-MESIO Scholarships at Polytechnic University of Catalonia in Spain, 2018

The Inter university Master Statistics and Operations Research in collaboration with Accenture offers scholarships for new students. These scholarships cover the cost of enrollment and academic fees.
The Polytechnic University of Catalonia, currently referred to as Barcelona Tech and commonly named just as UPC, is the largest engineering university in Catalonia, Spain. It also offers programs in other disciplines such as mathematics and architecture.
If English is not your first language then you will need to show that your English language skills are at a high enough level to succeed in your studies.

Scholarship Description:

  • Application Deadline: July 15, 2018
  • Course Level: Scholarships are pursuing master�s degree programme.
  • Study Subject: Scholarships are awarded in the field of Statistics and Operations Research.
  • Scholarship Award: This scholarship will cover the cost of the enrollment credits and the administrative fees. The scholarship student receiver will join in Accenture Analytics educational cooperation agreement practices.
  • Number of Scholarships: Not Known
  • Scholarship can be taken in Spain

Eligibility for the Scholarship:

  • Eligible Countries: Citizens of Spain are eligible to apply.
  • Entrance Requirements:Spanish degree or a degree issued by a university in the European Higher Education Area (EHEA).
    Acces is also open to people with a degree awarded by a university in a country that is not part of the EHEA, and which has been endorsed for a qualification in Spain giving access to a university master.
    If the qualification is not endorsed, it must be verified by the University that these studies relate to an educational level equivalent to the official Spanish university degrees, in the country of origin, for access to master studies. Access by this approach in no way implies the approval of the qualification.
  • English Language Requirements: If English is not your first language then you will need to show that your English language skills are at a high enough level to succeed in your studies.

Application Procedure:

The documentation must be attached as follows:
  • Curriculum vitae.
  • Academic record.
  • Written motivated by the scholarship presentation report justifying election studies.
  • Certification knowledge of English and/or other languages.
  • Other documentation that the student believes of interest for the court.

How to Apply:

  • For the assignation process we require:
  • Curriculum vitae(must contain at least:)
    Completed Degrees with academic year and overall grade average (on a scale of 1 to 10) of each degree.
    Academic Qualifications, completed or not, that you want to be taken into consideration.
    Courses in statistics received. Qualification, number of semesters and grade.
    Operations research courses or received. The title, number of semesters and grade.
    Experience or mention of the name of the company, the profession, office and work.
  • Certificates of academic qualifications of degrees completed or not.
  • Have requested a scholarship or would do so in the near future to complete these studies? If yes, indicate which one and when to be resolved.
  • The Masters in Statistics and Operations Research provides 3 pathways. Indicate which one you are most interested in:
    Business and social statistics (EMP).
    Biostatistics and Bioinformatics (BIO).
    Operations Research (IO).
    Data Science (DS).

Online Application

Scholarship Link

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