Ambulatory Services Division of USA Health Implements New Uniform Policy

The ambulatory services division of University of South Alabama Health updated its dress code and uniform policy to focus on maintaining a professional image in both appearance and conduct.

Beverly Kellen, practice director of student health, urgent care, family medicine and psychiatry, said the Ambulatory Clinic Customer Service and Professionalism Committee was formed to revise the current dress code and uniform policy for the ambulatory services division in early October 2015.

The committee reviewed similar policies at other hospitals and teaching health systems, including the recently revised policy at USA Medical Center. Kellen, who serves as chair of the committee, said the draft was reviewed by Human Resources and their legal department before it was shared with ambulatory clinical operations managers to begin implementation. The new policy will take affect by July 2016, allowing time for employees to purchase new scrubs.

�Professional and standardized dress, personal grooming and overall appearance is important to maintaining a professional environment in accordance with our mission,� Kellen said. �By adhering to this policy, we help provide assurance to our patients and their families that they have made the right choice by entrusting us with their care.�

Simple changes such as the placement of name tags are among the dress code and uniform policy update. �By wearing our name tags and badge buddies above the waist or on the neck area at all times while on duty, we will be assisting our patients and their families in identifying not only the name of their health caregiver, but also what role that team member plays on the USA Health team,� Kellen said.

Kellen said that most employees have had a positive reaction to the new policy. �But like with any significant change, there are some who have had some concerns,� Kellen added. �We hope to alleviate most of their concerns and make the purchase of new scrubs and acceptance of the new standards as easily palatable as possible.�

Employees can purchase uniforms at Uniforms by Bayou, located at 4677 Airport Blvd.
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